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Cannabis What, Why, How?
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While cannabis has been used for thousands of years as both a medicine and a religious/ recreational substance, most Americans have little accurate knowledge about it due to nearly of century of prohibition, and a slew of misinformation put out by advocates and opponents alike.
If you missed Dr. Dave Gordon, MD's workshop on Zoom on June 15th from 7:00am - 8:30am, here's your chance to see the recording. It will help clear up some of the confusion on the consumption of cannabis. Dr. Gordon is the founder of 4 Pillars Health & Wellness - 4 key pillars... food, movement, relaxation, and community, which are the cornerstones to achieving optimal health.
In Dr. Gordon's own words:
- Cannabis, Marijuana, Hemp?
- THC vs. CBD?
- Smoking, vaping, tinctures, edibles?
- Miracle drug or marketing hype?
Are you confused yet?
In my clinical experience, I've seen cannabis provide amazing benefits, especially when used alongside the 4 Pillars of Health - food, movement, relaxation and community. However, cannabis is not like other medications. In fact, it's not even a single medicine but rather a complex plant that contains many different compounds which can be consumed in different combinations and by various methods of administration.
There is no one-size-fits-all strategy, but when used with guidance and intention, it can be a valuable tool within a comprehensive integrative approach. Additionally, while cannabis medicines are very safe, they are not without risks. However, there are simple steps you can take to minimize or avoid any potential harm.
Join me as we explore the what, the why and the how of consuming cannabis with a special focus on treating pain, the most common reason people are considering or consuming this plant. You leave this talk with an understanding of...
- The terminology of cannabis, hemp and marijuana and the differences between THC and CBD
- Pros and cons of different methods of administration
- How to prioritize safety when consuming
- Steps to maximize your success in achieving your health goals with cannabis whether you're a new or current consumer
- Tips on dosage and product selection for new consumers
About the Speaker
Dr. Dave Gordon, MD, is the founder of 4 Pillars of Health & Wellness - 4 key pillars... food, movement, relaxation, and community, which are the cornerstones to achieving optimal health. Dr. Gordon came to Colorado 20 years ago for medical school and began a lifelong journey learning about health and medicine. While the focus of conventional medical training and practice is all about disease, over time he found that his calling as a physician was to help others create health. He met and learned from a wide range of non-medical practitioners, as well as other physicians who were focused on health creation. As Dr. Gordon learned about options that intuitively felt right or had the science to support them, he educated his patients and helped them use these methods. And guess what... people started getting better! After seeing success with a variety of methods he had never learned about, Dr. Gordon continued his education and exploration and kept implementing new tools to help his patients. He founded 4 Pillars Health & Wellness to end the dogma that focuses only on managing disease and help his patients start taking charge of their health. Click here for more information on Dr. Gordon and the 4 Pillars of Health & Wellness. |
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Steph Watters, Admin. Assistant
Jessica Johnson, DPT
Dennis Halpin, DPT
Alan Mazur, DPT
Stefan van Duursen, MScPT
Colorado Spine Therapy
Email: stephwcst@gmail.com